Weekly market trends and what’s happening in the energy industry

Here’s a quick update about what’s going on in the markets. The chart below shows how each market sector is doing. 

  • Green means good 😉 or how much percent of companies show an uptrend in their stock prices
  • Yellow means that the trend is sideways or uncertain
  • Orange represents how much percent of a sector is experiencing a downtrend in stock prices

But it’s the change that is important…

…not just the big picture. How does this compare to last week?

Yes, you can look up previous e-mails, look at two charts side-by-side etc. But it’s not convenient.

That’s why I came up with a new chart that compares trends between weeks, highlighting the important changes.

Introducing… the Slope Chart!

This chart shows how much each market sector has been up trending, this week vs. last week. The green sector is the one that made the strongest positive changes, while the red one is the one that changed the strongest in the opposite way.

What this chart says is “the market sector that increased its uptrend most is the finance sector, while staples, that had already a low amount of up trending companies, decreased its uptrend even further”.

The energy sector stayed low at 12% of companies trending up. But that’s only half the story. Let’s see if there were any major changes in the sideway trends:

And… the biggest change is in the energy sector. The previous week, 58% of O&G companies showed uncertainty in their trend, while this week it’s down to 42%, a massive drop (though still large).

If the uptrend amount stayed the same…

…then the reduced uncertainty has moved, well, elsewhere:

The sectors that increased their downtrends most were energy and real estate. Utilities are the big winner, with now only 4% of all its companies being in a downtrend.

Some oil majors are doing well

Despite the overall trend into the negative, some oil and gas majors are doing better than expected (I am talking about their stock price here!). Below is an example of BP plc:

Despite the still low oil prices, there is a moderate uptrend visible. And their dividend yield is above 6% per year – that’s way above average!

I collected more data about O&G companies…

But that would make this post too long. So I added it as a PDF in the download section below.

Happy trading!

Download the Oil and Gas Companies Charts and Insights:

Click on the image or button below to get the PDF file.

This report contains charts, price trends, and insights about major oil and gas companies (from 08-Oct-2017).

It includes charts and insights about:

  • BP
  • Shell
  • Exxon Mobile, and more
  • Company fundamentals (PER, Div yields)
  • How to buy to benefit from dividends



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Oil and Gas Companies Charts and Insights

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